See moving averages illustrated comprehensively by HNK for DAX. See the charts and the interpretations in this book to find out which moving average can be used profitably for trading at DAX. You can see for yourself which DMA can be used for profitable trading at DAX.You will find this to be quite different from the other books in this series, because of the profitability.The author has been tracking the stock markets since 1993. He has written several books on his own methods of technical analysis of stock markets. He has written a series of books about his methods. All his books are available worldwide. The current book is a part of the series.This book contains a formula which is entirely different from the one mentioned in my earlier book on DAX. The current formula has shown profitability which is 5.4 times that of the earlier formula.This is an in-depth analysis (volume 2) of DAX for 1997 to 2013. You can see how the buy signals and the sell signals are generated by using 'Hemant Kanade Average In Technical Analysis-19'. You can also see for yourself how powerful they are and how much profit they can generate for you. This method is also useful for analyzing individual stocks and different indices. More importantly, you get the signals at the right time.The book gives you details of every possible transaction that you could have in this stock market for the given period along with the reasoning for the same. Not just that, you also get the details of the outcomes of these transactions, whether profit or even loss. The author does not want to paint a rosy picture of his methods in front of you. You can cross-examine every transaction in detail so as to believe that the method is really powerful.Time your investment and trading decisions precisely and profitably.The most important aspect of this analysis is that I develop a different method for every index in such a way that it should probably become most profitable for the traders.Wish you profitable investing and profitable trading!