The Student Loan Apocalypse Is Here! Is Survival Possible? Athena Marston tells the story of how she became trapped in her own Student Loan Apocalypse and the extreme measures she took to survive. It is a journey through the world of "normal" people who do not live in a student-loan apocalyptic world and therefore cannot understand the hardship. This is also a tale of triumph, as she discovers a possible path out.Will she succeed? This is not a book of false promises, it is a call to action. Politicians want us to believe there is little they can do about the student loan crisis for they cannot erase the trillions of dollars in student loan debt. But there are things politicians can and should do. Those of us with these loans are not here because we are irresponsible or stupid; we have fallen victim to the predatory policies and practices of the Student Loan Industry which were designed to keep us chained to a crushing debt for decades.